I Code Java Conference was held between 13-14 October 2022. ICJ has always been a community driven event which focusses on coding, architecture and developing leadership skills. Developing a strong fundamental skillset to further your career. We are advocates for developing our future programmers.
2022 Speakers
2022 Schedule
- Day 1 - Conference
- Day 2 - Conference
08:00 - 08:45
08:45 - 09:00
Microsoft Welcome

09:00 - 10:00
Kubernetes Native Java
Spring is all about helping developers get to production quickly and safely. These days, "production" is all but guaranteed to mean Kubernetes, and Spring has you covered.
Josh Long | Spring Developer Advocate

10:00 - 10:40
Mentorship: the foundation of a healthy tech industry
A brief review of some of the cases of knowledge & technology being lost across history, (EG library of Alexandria) and why this is a significant threat with a rapidly advancing technological landscape. An overview of some of the biology that underlies human development & learning, and how this affects the mentorship landscape. An examination of different developmental relationships that rely on a mentorship-like relationship, focusing on highlighting key lessons from each. A practical step-by-step example of how these lessons have been and can be used in our own mentorship relationships.
Alfi Oloo | Product Designer
10:40 - 10:55
Tea Break

11:00 - 11:40
Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile for Skeptics
Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile (or KMM) is a new SDK from JetBrains that allows iOS and Android developers to share code between the two platforms. The shared code is written in Kotlin. Typical use cases include: sharing networking, data storage, internal libraries, and algorithms, but the choice is yours!
While most Android developers love writing their apps in Kotlin, iOS developers are understandably wary of adopting KMM. This talk will give both iOS and Android developers the tools to confidently get started with KMM. This talk will include:
- An introduction of KMM and its benefits.
- A demo showing how to create a basic app with KMM.
- An argument for KMM, based on my research and journey from KMM skeptic to realist. I’ll also share the thoughts and experiences of others.
By the end of this talk, I will have covered enough content for teams to get started with KMM in their existing codebases and start reaping the rewards of this exciting new technology.
Pamela Hill | Developer Advocate

11:40 - 12:20
“Cooking with Gas” upgrade your database to Zero Friction
Join us in this beginner session, where we'll take you from zero to implementing and developing Java applications using Azure CosmosDB.
We'll guide you through the following aspects:
- Create your Free tier CosmosDB Database
- Deploy to Azure
- Scale-out to meet global demand in response to HTTP requests or events.
- Seamless Spring integration using Spring Cloud Azure
This beginner-oriented session should empower everyone to write code on a production level. Join us to discover the powerful integrations of Java and Azure CosmosDB.
Michael Johnson | Business Intelligence Architect
& Rory Preddy | Principal Cloud Advocate
12:20 - 13:00

13:05 - 13:40
Optimizing the search in a Multinational company
In this talk, we will discuss the challenges of collecting and providing data to the customer.
- What did we do to process over 12+ million products in a few hours daily?
- How could we remove overload on Solr during high peaks?
- Which changes did we relate to code architecture, microservices, and frameworks?
- How do we prepare for BlackFriday?
- What did we achieve, and what are the future Steps?
- How can we allow “search managers” to configure the Search dynamically?
Hebert Coelho de Oliveira | Team Lead at MediaMarkt

13:40 - 14:20
Blockchain in Java
Web3j is a library that interacts with Ethereum smarts contracts. Understand what Smart contracts are and how to connect to the Ethereum network using Java / Web3j.
Melvin Musehani | Innovation Coordinator
08:00 - 08:45

09:00 - 10:00
Sweet Streams (Are made of this)
As business needs change when new ideas are created, we need to orchestrate flows that can implement these ideas quickly. This talk shows how Spring Cloud Data Flow can address these needs using a toolbox of pre-existing and custom-built stream apps.
Corneil du Plessis | Staff Software Engineer
& Vincent Chegwidden | Technical Lead

10:00 - 10:40
Imperative, declarative, functional, object oriented: four of a Kotlin kind
Maia Grotepass | Staff Software Engineer
10:40 - 10:55
Tea Break

11:00 - 11:40
Java, Docker and Memory (The 3 Musketeers?)
Deploying a Java application to a PRD environment means knowing what kind of resources it needs to run, but how do you know that a head of time?Sure, its easy to give an application more hardware, but if with the rise of Kubernetes more Java applications are being deployed in Docker containers. Most Kubernetes environments want to know what resources the Java application needs to assist with scheduling and balancing the load across nodes.
Greg Arendse | Technical Lead

11:40 - 12:20
Java resilience: How strong is your blend?
Troubleshooting large, distributed systems is hard. When production is down and you need to fix it as soon as possible, what do you do? In this talk I will talk about tools available to help you find and reproduce problems and also touch on resilience patterns for Java applications.
Renette Ros | Technical Lead
12:20 - 13:00

13:00 - 13:40
Jakarta NoSQL Powered by Cosmos DB on the Cloud
Jakarta NoSQL is a new standard for accessing non-relational databases on the cloud. Cosmos DB is a best-of-breed planet scale NoSQL database on Azure that is compatible with MongoDB, Cassandra and Gremlin.In this session we will see how to use these technologies together in cloud native Jakarta EE applications. Most of the session will be demos with a minimal number of slides.
Reza Rahman | Principal Program Manager for Java on Azure

13:40 - 14:20
Fourier Analysis Visualisation and it’s Application in 2D Drawings
Mathematics has been dubbed the “language of the universe” and yet it remains a daunting subject for most people. In my attempt to show the beauty and power of mathematics, I’ll be visually demonstrating and explaining the simple concept of Fourier Analysis (what’s in a name right?) and how I applied it in a 2D drawing software that I developed in Java, inspired by the impressive work done by sketch artists.
Knowledge Dzumba | Software Engineer
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