Your project has reached that stage when it’s a good idea to post binaries, but new questions appear such as where should they be posted? How do make it easier for users to install and discover your binaries? Where should releases be announced? Most importantly, can answers to these question be automated? Enter JReleaser, a tool that provides answers to these questions and more. JReleaser may be used to create GiHub/GitLab/Gitea releases and publish binaries that can be consumed from different distribution channels such as Homebrew, Snap, Scoop, and more. Once published, the release cab be automatically announced on Twitter, Slack, Gitter, Discord, and other communication channels.
Microservices architectures are great when you have small, autonomous teams that take care of a certain use case in your overall solution. However, this usually all needs to come together in a UI. In this talk we will explore the feasibility of using GraphQL and WebComponents to build Micro Frontends, extending the autonomy to the UI, allowing teams to scale even better. We will look at a small example using Quarkus, MicroProfile GraphQL and WebComponents.