With the rise in popularity of microservice architecture, many developers are focusing on how to start services as quickly as possible. In this talk we’ll explore the trade-offs between fast startup of code and overall performance along with different approaches to solving the problem such as Graal native image, Quarkus and ReadyNow.
Jakarta NoSQL is a new standard for accessing non-relational databases on the cloud. Cosmos DB is a best-of-breed planet scale NoSQL database on Azure that is compatible with MongoDB, Cassandra and Gremlin.
Just knowing a language feature is not sufficient. Join this live-coded session to stay ahead of the curve as Java adapts to the changing technology landscape and becomes more relevant than ever. The audience will take away why, how, and where to use the new language features from Java 12 – 17, like Records, Sealed Classes, Text Blocks, Switch Expressions, Pattern Matching for instance of and switch. You’ll see for yourself if it is worthwhile adopting all these new features in your production code.
Spring is all about helping developers get to production quickly and safely. These days, “production” is all but guaranteed to mean Kubernetes, and Spring has you covered. Join me, Spring Developer Advocate Josh Long (@starbuxman), and we’ll look at how Spring Boot makes writing blisteringly fast, cloud-native, and scalable services more effortless than ever.
DevOps is great, if you have the people, processes and tools to support it. In this session I’ll highlight the easiest ways for Java developers to work with their IT organizations and partners to deliver their code to the cloud, including the best ways to reliably make updates and maintain production cloud code. The focus is on real-world examples using Linux command line tools, open source tools including Jenkins, and other free SDKs and tools available on GitHub.
We will explore the subject of building Eclipse MicroProfile based Applications, employing an OOP design for the business logic. Definitely we will start with the motivation and then we will talk about some of the challenges people find to come up with an OOP design and to actually make it work. We are going to look at some strategies, patterns to make it work and to give the code more meaning. This is not some cheap talk. We will be looking at code as we walk through the Journey.
You’ve setup a project and got it to run on your machine. Now comes the part to deploy, but where, and how? Cloud computing offers the ability to host applications anywhere, anytime. In particular the Oracle Cloud offers a wide range of APIs you can choose from. Particularly from a Java developer’s point of view, the Oracle Cloud Java API is well suited for enabling additional capabilities as plugins to well-known build tools such as Gradle and Maven as well as Java IDEs. In this session, you’ll see what this API is; what capabilities it offers for querying, searching, and deploying to Oracle Cloud; and, finally, a live example of build tools in action.