I CODE JAVA HYBRID, Johannesburg South Africa.
I CODE JAVA HYBRID, Johannesburg South Africa.
Mathematics has been dubbed the “language of the universe” and yet it remains a daunting subject for most people. In my attempt to show the beauty and power of mathematics, I’ll be visually demonstrating and explaining the simple concept of Fourier Analysis (what’s in a name right?) and how I applied it in a 2D drawing software that I developed in Java, inspired by the impressive work done by sketch artists.
Troubleshooting large, distributed systems is hard. When production is down and you need to fix it as soon as possible, what do you do? In this talk I will talk about tools available to help you find and reproduce problems and also touch on resilience patterns for Java applications.
Deploying a Java application to a PRD environment means knowing what kind of resources it needs to run, but how do you know that a head of time?Sure, its easy to give an application more hardware, but if with the rise of Kubernetes more Java applications are being deployed in Docker containers. Most Kubernetes environments want to know what resources the Java application needs to assist with scheduling and balancing the load across nodes.
Jakarta NoSQL is a new standard for accessing non-relational databases on the cloud. Cosmos DB is a best-of-breed planet scale NoSQL database on Azure that is compatible with MongoDB, Cassandra and Gremlin.In this session we will see how to use these technologies together in cloud native Jakarta EE applications. Most of the session will be demos with a minimal number of slides.
As business needs change when new ideas are created, we need to orchestrate flows that can implement these ideas quickly. This talk shows how Spring Cloud Data Flow can address these needs using a toolbox of pre-existing and custom-built stream apps.
Web3j is a library that interacts with Ethereum smarts contracts. Understand what Smart contracts are and how to connect to the Ethereum network using Java / Web3j.
In this talk, we will discuss the challenges of collecting and providing data to the customer.
Join us in this beginner session, where we’ll take you from zero to implementing and developing Java applications using Azure CosmosDB.
We’ll guide you through the following aspects:
– Create your Free tier CosmosDB Database
– Deploy to Azure
– Scale-out to meet global demand in response to HTTP requests or events.
– Seamless Spring integration using Spring Cloud Azure
This beginner-oriented session should empower everyone to write code on a production level. Join us to discover the powerful integrations of Java and Azure CosmosDB.