Shai Almog

Shai is a published author who wrote 5 books including “Practical Debugging at Scale – Cloud Native Debugging in Kubernetes and Production” (Apress), “Java 8 to 21” (bpb) and more.

Shai is an entrepreneur, blogger, open source hacker, speaker, Java rockstar, developer advocate and more. He worked at Sun/Oracle, and consulted to 100+ companies over his 35 year career. Shai built Java virtual machines, development tools, mobile phone environments, observability tools, banking systems, startup/enterprise backends, user interfaces, development frameworks and much more.
Shai is on the advisory board for multiple organizations including dzone, dev network, etc.

Shai speaks at conferences all over the world and shared the stage with luminaries such as James Gosling (father of Java).

Shai currently works as a principle engineer at Dynatrace.